Material passports for your digital logbook

Trace materials across supply chains to create a reliable record of building composition and carbon footprint with digital product passports. Selectively share this data with customers and regulators to achieve your vision of a circular and compliant construction industry.
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Example of material passports for a build passport
Blockchain-powered transparency

Powerful software for transparency and sustainability in construction

Attaining responsible and sustainable value chains requires standardised, interoperable, and auditable data transfers. Partner with Circularise to ensure cross-system and cross-industry compatibility.

Reliable and connected data

Establish a credible record of your building material composition by connecting BIM files to your digital logbook. Ensure comprehensive and reliable documentation with digital product passports.

Environmental impact tracking

Assess the impact of material sourcing, construction process emissions, and building lifetime impact with digital product passports. Include circularity and recycled content information to generate comprehensive building renovation passports.

Open and interoperable

Embracing an open and interoperable approach is crucial for digital product passports to be scalable and achieve their maximum potential. Team up with Circularise to eliminate data silos, seamlessly linking data storage and digital product passport platforms.

Selective data sharing

Share product insights with the value chain while keeping sensitive data private. Our Smart Questioning technology puts you in control of who sees what data you add to the digital product passport.

Connected information from across the value chain for circular buildings with digital product passports

Powerful building blocks
for your sustainable transformation

Traceability tools

Assess the chain of custody of your materials, their material composition and the sourcing origins, regardless of supply chain complexity.

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Use Circularise's intuitive APIs to integrate with your ERP and data storage systems to push data to digital product passports.

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Life Cycle
Life cycle assessment

Implement Life Cycle Assessment and Product Carbon Footprinting for sustainable business practices.

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Built for every supply chain actor

Control your data sharing

  • Deliver data with confidence and privacy
  • Automate mass balance reporting and compliance
  • Integrate with your ERP and customer facing systems
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Circularise  Final_Cracking

Streamline communication of your product data

  • Selectively share information with your customers
  • Trace material origins and sourcing from your suppliers
  • Automate mass balance reporting and compliance
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Understand your entire product lifecycle

  • Reduce quality and compliance risks
  • Access your scope 3 emissions
  • Meet regulatory requirements
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Cicularise warehouse
Case study

City of Amsterdam tracks environmental impact of construction procurement


As part of the Amsterdam Circular Strategy, the City has set clear targets to halve the use of new raw materials by 2030 and to become a fully circular city by 2050. In order to achieve that the city wanted to create a standard for gathering procurement environmental impact insights from the upstream supply chain, without compromising confidential data of anyone involved.


During this project, Circularise joined forces with a concrete producer and a company that recycled workwear into polymer infrastructure elements. Circularise's software solution ensured that both of these materials were traced end-to-end throughout the supply chain, allowing information to be shared with the city of Amsterdam without risking sensitive data.

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Ready to get started?

Partner with Circularise to implement your vision of sustainable, responsible and circular organisation.