Selectively share insights into confidential data

Precisely manage information sharing using our Smart Questioning technology, safeguarding sensitive data with utmost security.
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Selective Insights
Control data sharing

Align data disclosure with privacy

Granular data sharing control

Be in full control of which data you want to share to comply with customer and regulatory requirements while keeping sensitive information confidential. Customise permissions on a per-data-point basis to share only crucial data.

Easy, proactive information disclosure

Setup automatic data sharing rules to comply with regulatory and customer requirements. Build automatically populated sections of digital product passports to save time and improve efficiency.

Sustainability claims backed by reliable data

Trace material origin, composition, and much more to instil confidence in your product claims. Get access to reliable insights coming directly from your suppliers while ensuring their data remains private and protected.

Granular Data Sharing

How our software is used across the supply chain

Control your data sharing

  • Selectively share information with your customers
  • Setup automatic data sharing rules for compliance
  • Generate trustworthy claims with privacy
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Circularise  Final_Cracking

Deliver data with confidence and privacy

  • Automate data sharing rules for compliance
  • Selectively share information with your customers
  • Trace material origins and sourcing from your suppliers
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Understand your entire product lifecycle

  • Reduce quality and compliance risks
  • Access your scope 3 emissions
  • Use data to meet regulatory requirements
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Cicularise warehouse
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Ready to get started?

Partner with Circularise to implement your vision of sustainable, responsible and circular organisation.