Collect accurate product carbon footprint data

Calculate accurate product carbon footprint figures with primary data collected from throughout the value chain.
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Gathering primary data to calculate the true carbon footprint of your products
Blockchain-powered transparency

Product carbon footprint based on facts not estimates

Know your true environmental impact

Gather data from across the value chain to paint an accurate picture of the entire environmental impact of your products instead of relying on inaccurate averages and estimates.

Track your progress towards sustainability targets

Obtain a comprehensive understanding of your materials' impact, enabling you to monitor progress towards net zero and circularity objectives, even including scope 3 emissions. By having a value chain overview, you can effortlessly pinpoint hotspots and address the most significant impact activities.

Reduce the risk of greenwashing

Be sure your sustainability claims are accurate and verifiable by using primary data collected throughout the value chain. Avoid greenwashing with certified and audited data traced on blockchain.

Achieve efficiency through integration

Use the Circularise API to push your data to digital product passports and pull data to your LCA calculation software or customer facing applications.

Digital product passports for carbon footprint data collection

Powerful building blocks
for supply chain transparency

Traceability tools

Assess the chain of custody of your goods, their material composition and the sourcing origins, regardless of supply chain complexity.

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data Sharing
Selective data sharing

Control the level of access granted to your supply chain partners for specific data points and be confident in the security of your data.

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Life cycle assessment

Conduct LCAs to monitor your sustainable business practices.

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Industries adopting digital product passports

Bring traceability to the automotive sector

  • Transparency without compromising on data privacy
  • Track scope 3 emissions
  • Reduce risks and improve quality control
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a car being worked on in a factory

Battery passports for a circular supply chain

  • Ensure regulatory compliance
  • Capture more value from your products
  • Exchange data from cradle-to-cradle
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a close up of a large metal structure with many wires

Traceability for a more circular built environment

  • Reliable record of material impacts
  • Renovation passports for the digital log book
  • Select the right materials for your project needs
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a tall building with lots of windows and a clock

Create a more sustainable and profitable electronics industry

  • Capture the value of e-waste
  • Conduct accurate impact assessments
  • Sustainability claims based on real data
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a close up of a computer mother board

Make metals traceable

  • A reliable record of chain of custody
  • Accurate product carbon footprint based on real data
  • Communicate product properties throughout the value chain
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a large metal pot with a bright yellow flame coming out of it

Create a more circular plastics industry

  • Accurate life cycle assessment to make reliable sustainability claims
  • Share key information for efficient end-of-life processing
  • Make plastics traceable while protecting sensitive data
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a bunch of plastic bottles are stacked on top of each other
How it works

What using Circularise Digital Product Passports looks like

The current methods of sharing information on the sourcing and impact of materials are inefficient and unreliable. But now there is a better way of doing things.

Add primary data

Your suppliers each add information on their scope 1 and 2 emissions to the material passports

Dpps flow
DPPs flow with materials

As the product passports move through the supply chain with the material, the carbon footprint data from each actor is collated

verifiable claims
Verifiable claims

You receive an overall picture of the carbon footprint of your products to make carbon footprint claims based on real data

hotspot analysis
Hotspot analysis

Easily visualise the highest impact materials and steps in the supply chain

Get in touch

Ready to get started?

Partner with Circularise to implement your vision of sustainable, responsible and circular organisation.